Since 1993, NORVINCO - Northeastern Packaging Industry has won great national and multinational clients thanks to the construction of important competitive advantages:

We work with the customer focus, understanding the particularities of their products and developing packaging with innovative and economical solutions, rationalizing logistics and distribution costs.

We make strategic alliances with clients and suppliers, exchanging knowledge and participating in national and international events. As a result, we have more reliability in the production process and a vision of the future.

We invest heavily in social responsibility causes because we believe that quality of life and healthy environment are reflected in the quality of the product.


Customer - Our Greatest Asset

To meet the demand of our customers with products and services of quality, on time with fair price, and providing consultancy to improve client’s packaging system and logistics.

Employee – Our Collaborator

Invest in quality of life, safety and training so our employees feel like they are owners of the business and proud to work in socially responsible company.

Supplier - Our Partner

Create and maintain partnerships, being transparent and honest, ensuring a good business relationship and the quality of our products.

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